On the occasion of ‘National Sports Day’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP National President and Union Minister JP Nadda, Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya have extended their best wishes. On the social media platform X, PM Modi congratulated on National Sports Day through a post and said that today we pay tribute to Major Dhyan Chand. Today is an occasion to congratulate all those who are passionate about sports and all those who play for India. The Prime Minister further wrote that our government is committed to promoting sports and providing opportunities to as many youth as possible to play, so that those players can play and shine.
Greetings on National Sports Day. Today we pay homage to Major Dhyan Chand Ji. It is an occasion to compliment all those passionate about sports and those who have played for India. Our Government is committed to supporting sports and ensuring more youth are able to play and… pic.twitter.com/nInOuIOrpp
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 29, 2024
On the birth anniversary of hockey wizard Major Dhyan Chand, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has saluted him and wished all the countrymen a Happy ‘National Sports Day’. He said that the life of Major Dhyan Chand is a symbol of the fact that any goal can be achieved with unwavering dedication and continuous practice. He not only took Indian hockey to great heights but also became an inspiration for positive consciousness towards sports in the country. This shining player of the sports world will always show the way to future generations.
हॉकी के जादूगर मेजर ध्यानचंद जी की जयंती पर उन्हें नमन करता हूँ और समस्त देशवासियों को ‘राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस’ की शुभकामनाएँ देता हूँ।
मेजर ध्यानचंद जी का जीवन इस बात का प्रतीक है कि अटूट लगन और अनवरत साधना से कोई भी लक्ष्य प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। उन्होंने न सिर्फ भारतीय हॉकी को… pic.twitter.com/G7uJrCyhhp
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) August 29, 2024
BJP National President and Union Minister JP Nadda congratulated all the countrymen on ‘National Sports Day’ and wrote that, I extend my heartiest congratulations and best wishes to all the countrymen on ‘National Sports Day’. Let us all together resolve to provide excellence to various fields on this occasion. Major Dhyanchand ji established the Indian sports world on the world stage with his talent and hard work, today I salute him on his birth anniversary. His unique dedication to hockey is always a source of inspiration for the countrymen.
समस्त देशवासियों को ‘राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस’ की हार्दिक बधाई व शुभकामनाएं देता हूँ।
इस अवसर पर आइए, हम सभी मिलकर खेल के विभिन्न क्षेत्र को उत्कर्ष प्रदान करने के लिए संकल्पित हों।
अपनी प्रतिभा और परिश्रम से मेजर ध्यानचंद जी ने भारतीय खेलजगत को विश्वपटल पर स्थापित किए, आज उनकी जंयती…
— Jagat Prakash Nadda (@JPNadda) August 29, 2024
Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya paid humble tribute to Major Dhyanchand on the occasion of ‘National Sports Day’ and said that, we paid floral tribute to Major Dhyanchand on the occasion of National Sports Day today. We are celebrating the birth anniversary of Major Dhyanchand as ‘National Sports Day’. Prime Minister Modi has rightly said that those who play, ‘they will bloom’. Citizens of the country should remain healthy. A healthy society is built by healthy citizens and a healthy society leads to a prosperous nation.