Mumbai, Aug 30 – The film “Jawan” has created a lot of buzz even before its release. The King Khan created history by opening its 6 a.m. show at Mumbai’s iconic ‘Gaiety’ theater after 51 years.
Shah Rukh Khan’s film Jawan Jahan has created a lot of buzz among the people. At the same time, this film has done wonders even before its release, which has never happened before. There is news that Jawan’s shows can be started at 6 a.m. in Mumbai’s famous theater Gaiety. Shah Rukh Khan’s famous page has shared a post on Twitter and said that Jawan’s morning shows will be held at the famous Gaiety Theater in Mumbai. Which will start at 6 in the morning.
This is the first time that the actor will have morning shows so early for a film at the Gaiety Theatre. Earlier, the morning show started at 9 a.m. in the same theater as Pathan. However, no official information has been revealed regarding this information yet. But if this happens then it will be a big achievement for Shahrukh Khan. Earlier, Shah Rukh Khan himself had informed on his social media that he is going to Dubai soon for the trailer launch of Jawan Feel.
It is being said that the ticket booking for the trailer launch event has also started. However, no official announcement has been made regarding this news yet. Shahrukh had written “I may celebrate Jawan with you. I am coming on 31st August at 9 pm. Burj Khalifa and celebrate Jawan with me. Because love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, get painted in the color of love and come wearing red. What do you say? Ready!”
The songs and preview of the film have raised the curiosity of the fans. Now just waiting for the day when Shahrukh Khan will knock in theaters through Jawan.