New Delhi, Feb 24 – More than 2,52,480 files at different Central government offices were reviewed, 1,63,664 files weeded out under the cleanliness campaign aiming to reduce pendency during the month of January 2023.
In pursuance of the decisions taken in the national workshop on December 23, 2022, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) published a monthly report on “Secretariat Reforms” for January 2023.
As per the report, 3,94,805 public grievances disposed out of 4,40,671 received with a disposal rate of 89.59 per cent. Total 10,45,939 square feet of space freed in January 2023 in the cleanliness campaign conducted at 4,711 sites and Rs 17,49,91,167 of revenue earned by scrap disposal during the month.
The report said that 72 ministries and departments migrated on E-Office version 7.0 and there were 31,60,392 active e-files against 8,94,329 active physical files. Active e-files increased to 31,60,392 in the month ending January 31, 2023, as against 28,17,775 active e-files in the month ending December 31, 2022.
Under best practices, EPFO Gorakhpur (Ministry of Labour and Employment) reported providing wheelchair facilities for senior citizens visiting the office. Similarly, an awareness programme conducted on the importance of cleanliness and conversion of farm waste to wealth for school children at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Solapur, (Department of Agricultural Research and Education).
The Union government has decided that the activities of the special campaign would be continued and monitored on a monthly basis.
As per DARPG guidelines, ministries must be advised that no physical papers or receipts should be generated for inter/intra-ministerial circulation, the deployment of e-office version 7 should be expedited and NIC should increase its resources for the same, e-office analytics should be developed to measure the performance of the ministries and the ministries should ensure that a file should not move through more than four officers.