With much promise, everyone was excited for the year 2020. No one could have guessed we would be trapped in a global pandemic, especially for such a long time. Governments around the world have employed different tactics to maintain public health as well as law and order, but it’s the curfews and lockdowns for the majority of the global population.
Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic has devastated the health or finances of millions, the number of people who have suffered and died due to the virus has been tremendous, and the numbers are continuing to rise. The affects of the pandemic are witnessed in various aspects of our basic functioning as governments of the world.
Economic crises, the shutting down of schools, and a shift in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry are major ramifications. Political systems are also among the affected, causing suspensions of legislative activities such as cases concerning DUI penalties in Florida are now held through remote hearings.
Lockdown Impacts
Despite all the misfortunes we are trying to cope with, there is a silver lining, thin as it may be. The following list highlights some of the positive impacts being indoors has on us and the environment.
1. Bouts of Creativity
Most offices were closed indefinitely, leaving their employees either jobless or working from home. This phenomenon found most adults at home with loads of free time with barely anything to do. Hence the picking up of hobbies, ranging from gardening, home improvement through DIY projects, baking & cooking, the list is endless.
Statistics show the number of content creators increased significantly over the past year, and on a more severe level, an increase in patents for devices like special ventilators to antiviral masks from researchers and developers all over the world.
2. Self-Sufficiency
On the same note as creativity lies self-sufficiency. Many individuals are starting to make their food from scratch. From baking their bread and pastries to planting vegetables and spices in newly made gardens. Experts did a study that showed how a massive percentage of the population resorted to homemade foods due to the uncertainty caused by this pandemic. After all, it is better to be well equipped if the world doesn’t get back to normal anytime soon.
3. Improved Diet
Growing your own food, in accordance with being self-sufficient, provides the joy of preparing fresh meals from the fruits of your labor; this leads to better tasting meals, a reduction in spending capacity, and a multitude of health advantages for the family members.
Improved diet is perhaps the most positive side-effect of the lockdown, seeing people wean themselves off junk food and unhealthy meals. The unhealthy habits stemmed from the convenience and proximity of fast-food restaurants, which would tempt you with a variety of processed foods soaked in excess calories and fats.
4. Cleaner Environment
It is a fact that human beings are the biggest detriments to the earth. With movement so limited due to the restrictions put in place to curb the pandemic, contamination levels are at an all-time low. The reduction of exhaust fumes usually caused by people’s daily commutes and international travels is greatly attributed to this worldwide phenomenon.
The air’s breathability & clarity has improved tremendously globally, and citizens worldwide are already enjoying its benefits.
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
With the development of a COVID-19 vaccine in distribution worldwide, we can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel and have some hope for a better future. As long as we keep safe by sanitizing, social distancing & keeping our masks on, we could curb this pandemic.