One of humanity’s biggest contributions to culture is the creation of so many different sport disciplines over the world. Sports present an opportunity for athletes to prove their value, skills, and fighting spirit. A good sporting competition can ignite the fire of passion in the souls of both fans and competitors alike.
Yet for many people, passion isn’t the only thing that is ignited. The excitement and adrenaline of sports wagering can help make a match much more entertaining. Sports betting, especially in casino settings, is practiced all over the world, its effects reach into other industries. Since betting on sports events is not something new, let’s take a look at the history of the sports betting industry.
Sports Betting History
Nowadays, sports play a major role in our lives. People enjoy both practicing sports as well as being a fan, rooting for, and never missing a game of their favorite team. Sports betting has quite a long record in the history books. There is evidence that it has been around for centuries as an almost universal part of human civilization. While historians have tried to pinpoint the exact date for when sports betting began, it has been rather difficult due to the lack of records and historical documents. One thing known for certain is that it’s been with us for thousands of years. Betting was a common practice in ancient Rome, although it was restricted to chariot races or the circus in the cities of empire. Legality has never been an issue for people to continue placing bets. This pastime endured the test of time and has continued through the years into modern times.
Legal Views Through Time
One thing that remains true in regards to the sports betting industry is, as we mentioned before, the legality of the activity. Through the centuries the legality of sports betting has varied according to the whims of politics and culture within each nation. The legal status of countries that allow betting is ever-changing. As one government is supporting legalization another one is advocating its banning. In recent times, gambling has been heavily regulated across the globe. Many see it as a medium for organized crime to thrive and wish to limit this effect. Yet, on the other end of the spectrum, many see it as a way to increase tax revenues to help provide more and better services to their citizens.
Online Sports Betting
In the last couple of decades, one of the biggest changes in sports betting has been the addition and adaptation of the industry to the internet. Ever since casinos began to offer their services and games through online platforms, this pastime has taken off like never before. With the availability of numerous sportsbook sites, fans can search for the best odds as well as offers and promotions being offered. Today, online sports betting is a major industry and attracts a lot of customers. Given this level of success, it appears to be around for good.
Modern Origins & Online Sports Betting
In the last couple of decades, one of the biggest changes in sports betting has been the addition and adaptation of the industry to the internet. Ever since casinos began to offer their services and games through online platforms, this pastime has taken off like never before. With the availability of numerous sportsbook sites, fans can search for the best odds as well as offers and promotions being offered. Today, online sports betting is a major industry and attracts a lot of customers. Given this level of success, it appears to be around for good.
Modern sports betting has its origin coming from horse racing. In the 18th century UK, betting on horses became popular once two-horse races became common. The New World quickly followed suit by the end of the next century countries like the United States, New Zealand and Canada had established formal laws to regulate betting. The next major advancement in sports gambling came about in the 1990’s, with the emergence of online casinos and sportsbooks related websites. Nowadays there are hundreds of online gambling options that are slowly but steadily beginning to dominate traditional bookmaking. Even so, legality issues remain, online gambling is still restricted in the US, while Canadians and New Zealanders have much more of a leeway in their online gambling attempts.
eSports Betting
The latest renewal in the sports betting industry is the increasing popularity of eSports gambling. With the acceptance of many eSports genres, such as the popular MOBA League of Legends, sports betting has taken a new turn. The creation of different regional and continental eSports leagues has led to sports betting on video game tournaments to become increasingly popular with a younger generation of gamblers. The upcoming World Cup of League of Legends is a prime example of this new phenomenon that is driving the industry forward.
Closing Thoughts
Gambling has been with us for millennia, and its effects have been both positive and negative. The importance of gambling as a source of revenue and income for people, particularly in the sports area, has caused it to become a global phenomenon whose legality is a source of constant debate. Only time will tell how gambling will evolve.