There is no sector of the economy that Covid-19 has spared. Every area and everyone involved in it has witnessed adversity. It includes casinos offering vulkan bet slot games and artists who make our lives interesting. Similar to everyone else, artists have been negatively affected by this pandemic. Suddenly they had to quarantine themselves and adapt to a new unstructured, boring life. Constant travelling to different countries for work was no more after the lockdown. There were no more exhibitions, conferences, workshops, coaching sessions, or any other activity they did before the virus came. It has been a terrible time for their businesses and lives.
How Adversity Enables Creativity
As they say, the most creative ideas are born during times of crisis. When people are under pressure like now, their brains undergo indescribable changes too. The mind opens up and works faster to get us solutions to the challenges we are facing. Studies show that many artists show the most creativity in their time of adversity. Several of them produce the best results during illness or after the loss of a loved one. For instance, the writer of Paradise Lost, John Milton, did this excellent work after the deaths of his wife, daughter, and his eyesight.
When Frida Kahlo encountered a bus accident that left her with many injuries and enduring chronic pain, she first made her a series of wonderful self-portraits. She used painting to express the pain she was experiencing during her most trying times, including her miscarriage. Similar stories are told concerning Paul Klee, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Viktor Frankl, among others.
How are Artists Coping with Covid-19?
Artists have begun to run their businesses differently to survive the Corona Pandemic. They are doing this in the following manner.
- Making themselves known online
Most artists’ art shows, conferences, exhibits, training sessions, and workshops were cancelled to reduce the spread of Covid-19. With these closed, artists have realized that their businesses could close down and leave them penniless. That’s why most of them are looking to be known online. Those who didn’t already have an online presence are creating it. Those who were online before the pandemic are looking for ways to strengthen their presence and popularity. Artists have more time in their hands to create more art pieces and fewer opportunities to get out there and promote their work. That’s why they are looking for opportunities to sell online.
Artists are creating new websites to help attract new followers and seek a more significant social media following. The efforts are paying because some people interested in the painting seek their services to learn while in self-isolation. They also are offering workshops with apps like Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Facebook Live. Those who thought they were more gifted in drawing and painting alone discovered their other talents, like writing blogs and marketing work online.
- Coming up with new pieces of art
The lockdown time is a lot, and artists know what to do with it. They find themselves with limited time to create new work during regular times due to the several activities they have to do in a single day. Suddenly they have too much time to create unique pieces of work. That’s what most artists have been doing during the pandemic period. Instead of keeping the newly made items in stock waiting for the time the pandemic will end, some artists are selling them online at a lower price.
- Keep their artworks and studios in order
The organization is often difficult and most people, including artists, are so willing to do it, but they cannot due to time limitations. Suddenly, the Corona pandemic has created a lot of time for everybody to get organized. Artists are taking this time to organize both their artworks and studios. They hope to lay a strong foundation for when things will normalize. It’s time to know what to discard and what to keep. Also, this is the perfect time to know the number of items in their stock.
Artists have a lot of spare time and energy, sure, but fewer financial resources. To keep up with the adversity, artists are getting more involved in online businesses, creating new artworks, and organizing their businesses.