Hey, all! My name is Divya Gandotra and I have been working in the content development industry for the past 8 years. As I have a technical background, I was certainly aware that everything on the internet works on algorithms. But at that time, I didn’t know that even content got biased by the search engines. It was only when I began my writing career in 2012 that I got to know the entire system of digital content writing.
According to my experience, I can define good content and bad content based on where they get ranked on search engines like Google. The prior one gets into the top SERPs, while the latter one gets lost in the search engines’ following pages. It may be difficult for a general person to understand all these terms. So, to make it simpler, Google ranks those articles which are completely relevant to the topic, easy to read and provide value to the readers.
Here, I have explained each of these terms in layman language. We have a great team of content writers and we ensure that they keep these things in mind while creating write-ups for our clients.
Good Content: Google has an algorithm that sorts out all the content available on the internet based on some pre-determined criteria. Now, the content that manages to fulfill the requirements and secure the top positions on Google’s result pages is categorized as ‘good content.’
You can visit Google right now and search for a specific type of content. The first few links provided to you by the search engines are the good content ones. You will find that they are easy to read and highly informational.
Bad Content: Bad content, on the other hand, is the one that isn’t able to fulfill the given criteria of Google. Therefore, it only gets mentioned on the following pages of the search results and doesn’t benefit both readers or the business.
I hope the definitions made the two concepts clear to everyone.
How Does EMIAC Work?
My full-fledged digital marketing firm, EMIAC Technologies, has its special department that handles all the content work. I personally guide the entire team and try to teach them my methods of creating only good content. Here are some guidelines that my team and I follow while writing content for our clients to ensure it only falls into the ‘good’ category.
● Provides Value to Reader
Even though we work for the brands, we never forget that our content is meant to provide the reader with some value. I primarily ensure that the content only has crucial information that will be useful for them. Moreover, we never stuff our written pieces with any unnecessary details.
● Convey the Brand Message
While general information may be useful for the reader, it won’t benefit the brand. That is why we design our content strategy based on what message the brand wants to deliver. Basically, it is a win-win condition for both readers and our clients.
● Brings Trust Towards the Brand
Outreach and guest posting is generally known to improve any brands’ image for its potential customers. However, most content writers aren’t able to achieve this goal due to their improper content strategy. Plus, they post this content on random sites instead of going for niche-specific links. We take care of both these aspects and turn any content into “good content.”
● Convert Reader into Buyer
Good content from a brand’s perspective is what can convert the readers into buyers. The entire content writers’ and SEO experts’ team of EMIAC makes sure that this objective gets fulfilled by our content.
● Is Interesting for The Reader
Google’s ranking is highly based on how exciting and beneficial the content is for the readers. To convert all our writing into “good content,” we keep this thing in mind and follow all the methods of making the text more appealing.
● Gets Delivered to Intended Audience
All the above good content strategy won’t be beneficial if it fails to get to the intended audience. With proper SEO techniques and other procedures, we ensure that the content gets delivered precisely to the audience for whom it is made.
Through all these guidelines, my team and I make certain that our content falls into the ‘good’ category of search engines, and it acquires only the top positions on relevant result pages.