Would you ever consider running a race barefoot? The answer is probably no, especially if you want to win. Tires are like shoes for your car, and they make a huge difference on the race track. Once you understand what makes racing wheels and tire components different from regular tires, you’ll know how to choose the right ones for your needs. Keep reading to find out why tires are so important when it comes to racing.
Tires Dictate Speed
The reason why tires are critical to racing is because they dictate your speed. If you’re like most racing enthusiasts, then you love the idea of a powerful engine, something like the 6.2 LS engine gets your heart pounding. However, if you have a powerhouse engine but poorly designed tires, you won’t have a good racing experience.
The softer the tire, the faster you’ll go, but your tire will wear out quickly, meaning you’ll need to make a pit stop sooner than other competitors. If your tire is harder, you won’t be as fast on the track, but you’ll get better durability. While you can’t make a decision about your racing tires purely based on this factor, it’s one of the first things that you’ll need to consider when you plan on drag racing or doing other competitions.
Tread and Track Matter
After considering the type of compound rubber composition you want for your racing tires, you will need to think about what type of track or road you’re going to drive on and the type of tread that you might need. Professional race car drivers use tires with virtually no tread at all.
If this sounds insane to you because you’re used to seeing tires with deep tread for all-weather conditions, it can be jarring to find out that some racing tires are slick. The reason for this is that race cars need to get up to speeds that normal cars will never reach. To do this, the tires have to be able to grip the road completely, meaning there can be no tread to separate the tire from the surface of the track.
When you are picking out racing tires, you do need to consider whether you need road-approved tires or not. Slick tires will not work on city streets and will not work on certain types of racing tracks. Always base your decision on safety as well as the type of track or road you’ll race on.
Conditions Impact Choice
Since races happen outside for the most part, weather conditions play a part in what type of tires you need. There are specific types of tires appropriate for racing in wet weather and different types for dry weather.
You’ll also see options for tarmac tires and gravel tires. Tarmac tires combine some tread for stability in case of weather changes while also providing you with a decent amount of speed and grip. Gravel tires are necessary if you’ll be racing in rough terrain.
If you dream about being behind the wheel of a racing vehicle, you can achieve it easier than you think. Find all of the accessories and gear you need, including a fuel injection kit and a powerful engine, and live your dream today.