Outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature or peacemaking can earn you the Nobel Prize, the most honorable of all. However, there is no mathematics in this list for some reason.
If you ask why, you will hear an exciting story about the Swedish mathematician Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler, who tried to take the bride from Alfred Nobel. As a result, Nobel allegedly took up arms against all mathematicians and excluded this science from the list of disciplines that he intended to patronize.
In fact, everything is quite simple and mundane. Mathematics is a speculative science with no practical application. If anything deserves an award, then only its separate section – arithmetic. It is not without reason that the great Gauss said: “Mathematics is the queen of all sciences, arithmetic is the queen of mathematics.”
The elementary actions known to every child – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – provide answers to all practical questions of life. With their help, you can define everything down to your own value in the eyes of the universe. However, you will also need basic knowledge in another area, numerology.
Few are able to perceive this science as a whole and to make it the basis of their life. However, everyone can balance and streamline their existence using the simplest rules of numerology.
One of these possibilities is to predict events in the near future based on the information contained in the so-called Angel Numbers. Back in the 16th century, the English mathematician, mystic and astrologer John Dee wrote about them.
The essence of both John Dee’s research and many of his followers’ (Doreen Virtue, for example) boils down to the fact that if you often come across a number containing paired (101, 2020), doubled (110, 0220), repeating (555 , 2222), or sequential (123, 2345) digits, you should pay special attention to it.
This number contains the message that your guardian angels have sent to you. Thus, the knowledge of arithmetic and a cursory view of the key concepts of numerology will be enough to learn its content.
When interpreting the Angel Number, remember the following: although the essence of the message is determined by the sum of its digits, the nominal of these numbers and the order of their arrangement also matter.
Below you can read the decryptions of some numbers that you probably paid attention to.
1010. One is the number of strength and initiative, Zero is the number of eternity and inviolability, and the total Two means peace and harmony. In general, the essence of the message boils down to the following: you will be able to maintain stability and harmony in your life only if you have strict control over every situation.
Do not loosen your grip, remain initiative and assertive, and stay on your course, no matter what the cost. Don’t be distracted by extraneous thoughts, and don’t waste time and money on what lies outside your way. Then everything will be all right for you.
1111. Combination 1-4 is a promise of success, which, however, can only be achieved through hard, painstaking work. It is not worth waiting for dividends in the near future: only the total amount of effort is adequately rewarded.
You will have to take the initiative in your field of activity and work for the result. However, success will only come if you can ignore failure and keep faith in your capabilities.
1122. The time has come to take care of those who depend on you financially. Such a necessity usually arises when you realize that you no longer have enough money to meet their needs. So you have to look for a solution to this problem.
The most “bloodless” of the possible options would be career advancement and a corresponding increase in income. Take on additional responsibilities and be dutiful.
2222. The sum of the digits of this number is equal to 8, and the Eight in numerology is the number of power, purposefulness, success and wealth. However, the fact that there are only Twos in the angelic message indicates that it is impossible to use the common methods for success: pressure, prodding, and subdual.
On the contrary, everything suggests that in any undertaking you will have to show delicacy, diplomacy, the ability to hear and understand people, to guess their hidden motivation from the smallest details of their behavior.
You say that this is not how things are done, don’t you? Well, then you have to try out a new method. Otherwise, it won’t work.
2323. The numerological sum of this number is equal to One (2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1). This means that in the near future you will have to make a strong-willed decision, which no one will be likely to accept.
Then you have to turn on your fantasy (3), and find a diplomatic (2) solution to the problem. Look for an individual approach to each of your opponents, get them interested, and promise them what they want.
Implementing your plans on your own is almost impossible. At some point, you will definitely need the support of a strong, close-knit, well-motivated team.