is the official website of an Indonesian pharmaceutical expert company that provides education and services about all medical activities. Where we are an official site provided by the Indonesian government. We also always provide various kinds of education, use and dosage regarding medicines. If people want to ask questions about pharmacy, you can contact us via telephone number or Gmail. As Indonesian pharmaceutical experts, we always provide services and will provide knowledge about the function of pharmacy. The official site is connected to all expert pharmaceutical company sites throughout Indonesia.
In fact, Indonesian Pharmacists have existed since the proclamation of independence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 1945, and have fought hand in hand with all groups of society, to eliminate colonialism from the face of the Indonesian earth, as well as actively participating in defending the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and then participating in development. Society and State.
Therefore, Indonesian Pharmacists are one of the development potentials who are never absent from the country’s development struggle. As one of the development potentials according to their function, Indonesian Pharmacists, apart from their daily duties, continue to participate in improving the level of general welfare, especially in the fields of Public Health and Pharmacy.
On February 13, 1946, in Yogyakarta an organization called the “Indonesian Pharmacists Association” was formed as a forum to gather all workers devoted to their work in the field of Pharmacy, the Indonesian Pharmacists Association, hereinafter abbreviated as “PAFI”.
PAFI and the PAFI Central Management are domiciled in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila. The PAFI Organization is a Professional Organization that is based on Work and Service.
Every PAFI member is required to have a KTAN, starting in early 2020 PAFI will re-register PAFI members throughout Indonesia using the integrated KTAN system.
Members who already have KTAN are still required to register.
- PC PAFI Semarang City members are required to register themselves in the PAFI RAYA MEMBER INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIAP SEMARANG), how:open the official PAFI KOTA RAYA PC WEBSITE,