Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has given information that the assembly elections in Maharashtra will be held in November this year. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said this during a program on Tuesday. A program was organized in Shiv Sena MLA Dilip Lande’s Chandivali constituency, in which Chief Minister Shinde has instructed the party workers to be ready for the assembly elections. He said that the assembly elections are in the month of November after two months, so we should support Shiv Sena MLA Dilip Lande to win with a huge majority and stand firmly with him.
During a meeting in Mumbai, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde further said that Shiv Sena and Mahayuti alliance will work hard to win the assembly elections. This is the first time that CM Eknath Shinde, who leads the Mahayuti alliance, has spoken on the possible date of assembly elections in Maharashtra. Earlier, NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar had said about the term of the current assembly that the term of the current assembly is till 26 September 2024, but the process of assembly elections can be completed by the second week of November. Recently, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra held a meeting with the party’s MPs, MLAs, ministers and officials.
He directed to reach the development schemes of the state government to the public. Meanwhile, before the elections, the Ajit Pawar-led NCP is busy with other schemes including ‘Laadli Behna’ to ensure its strength in the state. The current government in Maharashtra consists of three parties BJP, Shiv Sena and NCP. According to information received from sources, BJP is claiming 150 to 160 seats in the 288-member Maharashtra Legislative Assembly and the remaining 128 seats will be left for Shiv Sena, NCP and other parties.
Let us tell you that under the supervision of Maharashtra in-charge and Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav, BJP has started preparations for the elections. The party’s target is to reach about one lakh booths across Maharashtra. On the other hand, in the Mahavikas Aghadi, Shiv Sena (UTB) chief Uddhav Thackeray, Sharad Pawar and state Congress party chief Nana Patole have made their strategy clear regarding seat sharing. They have claimed that there is no problem in seat sharing and said that they will defeat the Mahayuti government in the assembly elections.