Tel Aviv, November 1: Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army, has claimed that there are more than 400 kilometers of tunnels under the Gaza Strip. He says that there are more than 400 kilometers i.e. 248 miles long tunnels under the northern section of the Gaza Strip.
According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, a conference was held in Tehran on civil defense. Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Army, also attended that conference and said about the tunnels in the Gaza Strip that vehicles and bikes can also pass through some tunnels.
Citing the Times of Israel report, he said that some tunnels also have entrances inside Israel. Gaza Barrier’s underground sensors were prepared by Israel in the year 2021. It is said that it has so much capability that it can detect digging below the limit. However, on October 7, flaws in the above-ground fencing were revealed.
During the 2014 war between Gaza and Israel, armed groups built tunnels across the border to carry out several small-scale attacks.
Major General Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff of the Iranian army, said that Israeli forces in Gaza wanted to launch a ground offensive and had waited for it, The Times of Israel reported. Because he is well aware that starting this type of operation might not turn out to be a sign of defeat.
According to a CNN report, countless tunnels have been built under Gaza to smuggle goods from Egypt. Also, these tunnels are known as routes using which attacks were launched into Israel. But another underground network also exists. Which is considered to be Israel Defense Forces (IDF) or colloquially called Gaza Metro.