Mumbai, September 13: Currently, Kareena Kapoor is deeply engrossed in preparing for the impending release of her forthcoming cinematic venture, “Jaane Jaan,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh. The film is set to premiere on Netflix on September 21. Simultaneously, Kareena Kapoor Khan recently addressed the lingering controversy surrounding her decision to name her son Taimur Ali Khan, shedding light on the true motivation behind this choice.
Back in 2016, when Kareena Kapoor Khan christened her son Taimur Ali Khan, the decision faced substantial public backlash and trolling. Now, several years down the line, Bebo Kareena has chosen to offer insight into the rationale behind the name.
In an interview with Indian Express, Kareena shared, “There was a significant reason behind selecting the name Taimur. Saif had a childhood friend and neighbor, whose name was Taimur, and he held a special place in Saif’s heart. Saif cherished both his friend and his name deeply.
Hence, Saif used to express, ‘If I ever have a son, I would name him Taimur because my son would be my first companion.’ The name had no other connotations for us. Witnessing the negative reactions and harsh criticism due to our choice of name left me bewildered. I vividly recall crying profusely in the hospital. I still find it perplexing why such a situation arose. Our intention was never to hurt anyone. I earnestly wish that no mother or her child has to endure such an ordeal.”
Kareena entered matrimony with actor Saif Ali Khan in Mumbai in October 2012 and welcomed their firstborn, Taimur Ali Khan, into the world in 2016. In 2021, the couple extended their family with the birth of their second child, Jeh, whose full name is Jahangir Ali Khan.
In the movie “Jaane Jaan,” set to debut on Netflix on September 21, Kareena Kapoor Khan shares the screen with talented actors Vijay Verma and Jaideep Ahlawat.